WHC General Assembly Meeting 2019
WHC 17th General Assembly Meeting was held on 13-14 November in Sultan Hotel & Residence in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Issues on the agenda,
-BPJPH and the future of relations with Indonesia,
– Membership applications,
– Country reports.
– Stimulation by the fiqh committee on stunning
– Halal status of fish feeds, Beta Damascenone, tartaric acid prepared
The evaluation of 16 new membership applications and the admission of only those who have met all the criteria has been strongly emphasized. All of these applicant HCBs were newly established ones. Regarding new memberships, the full membership of Halal Control (Germany), Halal Macedonia (Macedonia), Halal Balkans (Bulgaria) and Al Amin (Australia) has been approved bringing 4 new noble members. The full membership of the other applications will be approved when their status of associate membership is completed.
After completing the meeting, all WHC members participated in a meeting called ISEF (Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival). This festival, attended by ministers and bureaucrats along with the president, will last for 4 days.